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My (Andrew) favorite resources so far are:

Chapman, G. (2003) Covenant marriage: Building communication and intimacy.

homas, G. (2014) A lifelong love; What if marriage is more than just staying together?

3-Haubeil, H. (2015)
Steps to personal revival

4-Tripp, P.D. (2010) What did you expect?  

5- Harvey, D. (2007) When sinners say "I do"

6-Gregoire, S.W., Lindenbach, R.G., & Sawatsky, J. (2021) The great sex rescue: 

7-Fredricks, R. & Fredricks, S. (2018) Fierce marriage

8- Gottman, J., & Silver, N. (2013) What makes love last?

9- Warren, N.C. (2000) Catching the rhythm of love

Keller, T. (2011), The meaning of marriage



We have been married since 1991. That gives us tremendous experience as a couple and we've learned a lot from life experience.However, we have also spent time immersed in the study of relationships and marriage. Here is a list of our material sources. We are continually learning more and adding to our reading. Some of what we have read has contradicted other things we have read. Not all the "experts" agree on everything.  In all cases, we measure the theories and conclusions by the Bible.




Afterburn, S. & Martinkus, J.B.(2014) Worthy of her trust, Waterbrook


Bacchiocchi S. (1991) The marriage covenant. Biblical Perspectives


Callaway, P. (2000) Parenting...don't try this at home: What I learned while my kids were raising me. Harvest House Publishers


Cloud, H & Townsend, J. (1999) Boundaries in marriage, Zondervan


Cloud, H. & Townsend, J.  (2000) Boundaries in dating: Making dating work. Zondervan


Chapman, G. (2003) Covenant marriage: Building communication and intimacy. Broadman and Holman Publishers


Chapman, G. (1992) The five love languages:How to express heartfelt commitment to your mate, Northfield Publishing


Dagnan, C.S. (2009) Hot Chocolate for couples: Practical ways to sweeten your love life, Harvest House


DiLorenzo, A. & DiLorenzo, T. (2021) The 6 pillars of intimacy: the secret to an extraordinary marriage. One Extraordinary Marriage


Downs, T., & Downs, J. (2003)The seven conflicts: resolving the most common disagreements in marriage. Moody Press


Driscoll, G. & Driscoll, M. (2012) Real Marriage: The truth about sex, friendship & life together, Thomas Nelson


Evans, J. (1994) Marriage in the rock, Majestic Media


Fredricks, R. & Fredricks, S. (2018) Fierce marriage, Baker Books


Fredricks, R.G. (2023) How a husband speaks, Lion Press


Gottman, J., & Silver, N. (2013)  What makes love last? How to build trust and avoid betrayal. Random House


Gregoire, S.W. (2012) The good girl’s guide to great sex, Zondervan Books


Gregoire, S.W., Lindenbach, R.G., & Sawatsky, J. (2021) The great sex rescue: The lies you’ve been taught and how to recover what God intended., Baker Books


Haidt, J. (2024), The anxious generation: How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness, Penguin Press


​Harley, W. F. (2008). Love busters: Protecting your marriage from habits that destroy romantic love. Revell


Harley, W.F. (1986) His needs, her needs: Affair proofing your marriage, Revell


Harvey, D. (2007) When Sinners say "I do." : Discovering the power of the gospel for marriage. Shepard Press


Hemfelt, R., Hemfelt S., Minrith, F., Minrith, M.A, Newman, B., & Newman, D. (1991) Passages of Marriage Thomas Nelson Publishers


Haubeil, H. (2015) Steps to personal revival, Australian Publishing House


Hudgens, J. (2023) House rules: 10 guidelines for christian homes, Jacob Hudgens


Hunt, S. (1998) Heirs of the covenant: Leaving a legacy of faith for the next generation, Crossway Books


Hohnberger, J. (2009, February 1). Irresistible: Revitalize and empower your marriage. Pacific Press


Keller, T. (2011), The meaning of marriage; Facing the complexities of commitment with the wisdom of God. Dutton


Kulkin, S. & Storey, D. (1995) Body & soul: A married couples guide to discovering our unique sexual personalities) Questar Publishing


Leman, K. (2014) Have a happy family by Friday, Revell


Leman, K. (1985) The birth order book: Why you are the way you are, Spire Books


Lowery, F. (2002) Covenant marriage: Staying together for life.  Howard Publishing Company


Owen, J. (2020). The mortification of sin. Tradlife Press


Parker, J. (2002) Blueprints for marriage: building love for a lifetime. PneumaLife Publishers 


Parrott, L. & Parrott, L. (2004) Love talk, Zondervan


Phillips, F.H. (1997) What does she want from me anyway? Honest answers to questions men ask about women. Harper Collins


Sax. L (2017) Why Gender Matters, Harmony Books


Thomas, G. (2022) Making your marriage a fortress, Zondervan Books


Thomas, G. (2014) A lifelong love: What if marriage is about more than just staying together?, Zondervan Books


Thomas, G. (1996) Sacred Pathways. Zondervan Books


Thomas, G. (2014) A lifelong love; What if marriage is more than just staying together? David Cook 


Tibbits, D. (2006) Forgive to live: How forgiveness can save your life. Thomas Nelson Publishers


Tripp, P.D. (2021) Marriage: 6 gospel commitments couples need to make, Crossway


Tripp, P.D. (2010) What did you expect? Redeeming the realities of marriage. Crossway


Tucker, M. (2007) Ten keys to a happy marriage, Relationship secrets from the book of Ruth. Pacific Press


Warren, N.C. (2000) Catching the rhythm of love: Experience you way to a spectacular marriage. Thomas Nelson Publishers


Weiss D. (2001) Intimacy; a 100-day guide to lasting relationships, Siloam


White E.G. (1952) The Adventist home, Southern Publishing Association


White E.G. (1954) Child guidance,  Southern Publishing Association


Wilson, D. (1999) Fidelity: What it means to be a one woman man, Cannon Press


Yerkovich K. & Yerkovich M. (2017) How we love, Random House  





Chapman, G. (2005) The five love languages. DVD 4-part series


Cunningham, T. & Smalley, G. (2009) From anger to intimacy, DVD 4-part series


Eggerichs, E. (2004) Love and respect. DVD, 5-part series


Evans, J. (1996) Marriage in the rock. DVD, 10-part series


Gottman, J. (2018) Making marriage work-  45 min online lecture


Grey, J. (2009) Venus on fire, mars on ice. DVD 3-part series


Gungor, M. (2007) Laugh your way to a better marriage. DVD, 4-part series


Harley, W.F. (2003) His needs her needs, DVD, 6-part series


Harvey, D. (2014) When sinners say, I do, DVD 8-part series


Leman, K. (2016) The vow, DVD 4-part series


Moore, B., Smalley, G., Tacket, D., Thomas, G, & Trent, J. (2009) Focus on the marriage, DVD 5-part series


Oliver, E & Oliver, W. (2009) Marriage in God’s hands. DVD 10-part series


Parrott, L. & Parrott, L. (2005) I love you more. DVD, 6-part series


Parrott, L. & Parrott, L. (2004) Making marriage work, DVD 4-part series.


Ritsema, S. & Ritesma C. (2022) Raising the remnant, DVD 8- part series


Smalley, G. (2006) I promise. DVD, 6-part series


Smalley, G. (1986) Keys to a loving relationship. DVD, 3-part series


Stanley, A. (2018) What happy couples know. DVD, 4-part series


Thomas, G. (2016) Cherish. DVD, 6-part series


Thomas, G. (2015) Sacred Marriage. DVD, 6-part series


Tripp, P.D. (2014). What did you expect? Redeeming the realities of marriage. DVD -4-part series


Tucker, G. & Tucker, M. (2014) Mad about marriage live. DVD 6-part series






DiLorenzo, A. & DiLorenzo, T. (2010- present) One extraordinary marriage podcast


Driscoll, G. & Driscoll, M.(2020-present) Real marriage podcast


Kelley, B. & Kelley, M. (2019-present) Thriving marriage podcast


Fredricks, R. & Fredricks, S. (2106- present) Fierce marriage podcast


Willis, A. & Willis, D. (2019-present) The naked marriage podcast




Live Seminars


A Weekend to Remember- Family Live Seminar (1995)- Tampa, FL.

A Weekend to Remember- Family Live Seminar (1997)- Orlando, FL.

A Weekend to Remember- Family Live Seminar (2000)- Tampa, FL.

A Weekend to Remember- Family Live Seminar (2004)- Sun River, OR.

The DNA of Relationships- Gary Smalley (2004) Bellevue, WA

Les and Leslie Parrott, (2008) Wenatchee, WA



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